Software as a service. Infrastructure as a service. Platform as a service. Security as a service. Finance as a service. Delivery as a service. Internet as a service. Anything as a service (XaaS)! Okay, the list could go on to fill over 78 different ‘…as a service’ listings as of this article date. More are always on the way. If some don’t think we’re in a service economy, then they’ve been in a cave for the past two decades. The late Dr. John G. Geier said that you cannot motivate people, but you can create an environment in which people motivate themselves. He was obviously speaking of the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. While both are important, intrinsic motivation
A chief member of our team has been researching motivation for nearly fifty years. As a result, we’ve explored and now developed Motivation as a Service. Our purpose is in-part presenting the spirit of Dr. Geier’s notion by helping to create an environment in which people motivate themselves, with a little help from our service. What motivated our team to take action? We observed the statistics on disengaged employees, roughly 50% of the workforce or more. We observed managers strapped with the relentless pressure of always having something more to do with no rest in sight. We observed a decade of programs aimed at raising level of engagement, only to observe a flat-line graph with no improvement.
As we explored a variety of assessments in the marketplace, we observed many of them offered at premium prices and available usually to mid-level managers and above. In searching for similar resources available to line- and entry-level employees, we found very few. We began work in 2010 and developed a brief ‘survey,’ not granular enough to be called an assessment. The survey yielded a 90% or better tracking with long-form assessment themes. With this reassurance, we were able to continue working on the development of a Motivation-as-a-Service survey that could be used in all levels of an organization. Not intended as a hiring or selection tool, it can be used for on-boarding, re-boarding, and re-booting teams in any organization.
If you’ve read this far, we’d like to offer you something of value. Namely, a zero-risk 30-day trial of our Motivation-as-a-Service product, Mindset Data. You’ll receive your personal ‘Purpose Statement’ certificate based on your response pattern, a three-hat certificate as CEO of your own career, a one-page summary report, and a brief coaching report. You’ll also receive Brainergy; brief motivational messages sent to your mobile or email M-W-F based specifically on your response pattern. It’s like an espresso-shot of motivation specifically generated for you. There are 2,376 unique patterns of responses, so it’s not cookie-cutter messaging. We think you’ll like what you read. Check it out by going to We wish you the best.
Mindset Merge of Heart, Head, and Hands